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Scientific Works - Diploma Thesis - Information Systems

Analyzing the Impact of Deriving Data Mart Models on the Effort required to develop Data Marts.

( A Diploma Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Diploma in Business Information Systems)

Through the development and use of data warehouses, organizations in most sectors of the economy are increasingly discovering the potential of

using the data scattered in diverse business systems as one coherent whole for better understanding and management of their businesses. With this interest in better analyzing their data in the context of data warehouses, organizations are continuously customizing their data warehousing environments by adding data marts to serve particular lines of business within the organization. As the title of this research work indicates, it is the

impact of the derivation of this data mart conceptual model on the effort required to develop the data mart layer that is the main concern of this work.......more

Learning Organisation - Seminar Work

Learning Organisation: A Prerequisite for the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems.

(A Seminar presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Diploma in Business Information Systems)

The change that ERP brings to an organisation like every other change process requires learning. A Learning Organization provides the necessary

organizational dynamics and culture required for such complex ERP Projects.  After studying the various perspectives of the learning organization

ideology, the analysis carried out in this work is based on Peter Senge’s core disciplines or rather component technologies of personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning and systems thinking (Seng90). It is argued that these practices and principles, if applied effectively,

would help members of the ERP-enabling organization to better manage themselves, the managers to effectively manage teams, the corporate culture,

cross-functionality, process-redesign, relationships and the individual team members, aspects which should contribute to the success of an ERP Implementation.......more

IDEF-0, eEPC, CBR - Seminar Work

Application of IDEF-0, eEPC, Case Based Reasoning in the case of a Hospital Operations Management

(A Seminar Work presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Diploma in Business Information Systems)

Flexiblity and change managment are factors which affect the existence of business organizations today. This almost always implies the acceleration of business processes whereby decisions are taken faster, information is retrieved and transmitted faster and specific routine processes are standardized. Hospitals are no exception to this challenge with which many organizations are confronted. In this work, a number of concepts and methods which can

be implemented by IT systems are presented. To start with, the operation of a hospital is analyzed and modelled with the help of IDEF 0 and eEPC. Thereafter, the possibilities of applying Information technology to optimize the operation of the hospital are derived .Finally, the application of Case Based Reasoning is demonstrated...

Embryonic Cloning - Philosophical Dissertation

Human Embryonic Cloning: A Bioethical Analysis.

(A Dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy (B.Phil))

It can hardly be denied that medical science is so advanced today. It has developed several procedures of replacing the natural process of human reprodeuction. These are generally called "reproductive technologies", which include in-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination as well as the recent embroyonic cloning technique which is the focus of this work. While these are for scientists, a great breakthrough in the history of medical science, the ethicists see in it a new occasion for the expression of the more grim and violent side of human nature, the domination of fellowmen, threats to such human values as human sexuality,marriage, human dignity and the reemergence of the question of the status of the unborn. In this work, a bioethical analysis is carrried out to expose the meaning, operation as well as the moral character of embroyonic cloning......

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